Thursday 16 January 2014

We had outdoor time for an hour

We played a treasure hunt/pick up litter game. 
The instructions were:
...find one thing that starts with a "m"(money),  one thing that's blue and one thing that's long. thing that begins with "t"(bottle top), one thing sharp and one thing that's warm
...find one thing that starts with a "s"(stick),  one thing that's red and one thing that's long.
...find one thing that starts with a "m"(menu),  one thing that's orange and one thing that's furry(seed).
...find one thing that starts with a "b"(bark),  one thing that's blue and one thing that's shiney.
...find one thing that starts with a "b",  one thing that's red and one thing that's soft.

Then we played the "squishy" game, where we each grab a hand and try to untangle the mess into one big human circle.

Finally we played "1, 2, 3, block myself!" a version of hide-and-seek where you have to run to "den" which, in this case, was the water fountain, and save yourself before the person who is "on" does and puts you out.
One of the students hid in the tree right above the fountain, pretty impressive "out the box" thinking, if you ask me. :)


  1. I would like to thank for creating this interesting blog and i got a good knowledge to read this one

  2. Hi Miss Tyler-Smith's class!

    My name is Bethany, and I am an English teacher in Germany. I found your website, and it is wonderful! I teach students of all grades and adults; but I really love 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students! :-)

    I really enjoyed reading about your day outside, and especially the Squishy Game, that sounds like a lot of fun.

    Greetings from Germany!


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